Solar Inverters

What are the benefits of solar inverters?

SolarNordics > News > Solar Inverters > What are the benefits of solar inverters?

Solar inverters are crucial in harnessing the power of solar energy and converting it into usable electricity. Solar panels are the outward face and most recognisable component of most solar energy systems, but solar inverters are play an equally important role behind the scenes, converting the sun’s rays into useful electricity for your household. The two work together, like brain and brawn, to maximise your electricity generation as effectively and safely as possible.

The benefits of solar inverters are most evident in the face of a single, albeit significant, problem in the average solar energy system: solar panels generate Direct Current (DC) electricity, but the average household runs off of Alternating Current (AC) electricity, and therefore requires a little outside help in order to make use of the sun’s energy. Hence the need for a solar inverter, whose primary purpose is to convert the DC electricity generated by solar panels into AC electricity which can be safely used in your home, and its many electronic devices and appliances.

Solar inverters offer a number of other benefits to the average household, which we will examine in further detail here.

  1. Energy Conversion: As we have seen, the main role of solar inverters is to transform the direct current (DC) electricity generated by solar panels into alternating current (AC) electricity that is compatible with the electrical grid and can be used to power homes, businesses, and other electrical devices.
  2. Grid Interaction: Solar inverters also allow for grid interaction, enabling the seamless integration of solar power systems with the existing electrical grid. This means excess solar energy can be fed back into the grid, through a process known as net metering, allowing users to receive credits or compensation for the surplus energy they generate.
  3. Increased Safety: In case of a temporary power outage, solar inverters ensure electricity is not transmitted from your panels to the external power lines – so any line worker who may be checking or repairing the grid will be protected from injury.
  4. Energy Independence: Solar inverters help promote energy independence by allowing solar-powered systems to generate electricity locally. This reduces reliance on traditional energy sources and mitigates the impact of power outages or disruptions in the grid.
  5. Cost Savings: Solar inverters can help lower electricity bills by utilizing solar energy and reducing reliance on electricity from the grid. By generating electricity from a renewable source, users can save money in the long run, especially as the cost of solar panels continues to decrease.
  6. Environmental Benefits: Through their role in the solar energy generation process, solar inverters contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combating climate change. Solar energy is a clean and renewable energy source that produces no harmful emissions during electricity generation, unlike fossil fuels.
  7. Durability and Longevity: High-quality solar inverters are designed to be durable and can withstand a wide range of weather conditions, including extreme heat, cold, and humidity. They are built to last for many years with minimal maintenance requirements.
  8. Monitoring and Control: Solar inverters typically come equipped with monitoring systems that let users to track the performance and efficiency of their solar power systems. Using these systems, users can monitor the amount of energy generated, identify any issues or malfunctions, and optimize system performance.
  9. Scalability: Solar inverters are highly scalable, allowing solar power systems to be easily expanded or upgraded based on changing energy needs. Users can start with a small installation and gradually increase capacity as required, thanks to the flexibility and adaptability of solar inverters.
  10. Fault detection: as your electrical wiring and solar equipment ages and degrades, it can potentially lead to hazardous electrical faults, like ground faults or arcs, if not properly addressed and maintained. Solar power inverters can quickly detect degradation issues as they occur, or even before they take place, and shut down to protect the rest of the system, before alerting users, preventing any additional damage and reducing overall costs.

It’s worth bearing in mind that the specific benefits and features of solar inverters may vary depending on their model and manufacturer, and that technological advancements are always taking place in the solar energy industry. To find the right solar inverter for your household, check out our article on “How to Choose a Solar Inverter”.

Written by: solarnordics