Cookies Policy

SolarNordics > Cookies Policy


The personal data you provide to us will not be forwarded, sold, exchanged or shared with other companies, organizations or individuals without your consent. Our only purpose in collecting and saving the information is to be able to provide you with optimal service.


According to the Act on Electronic Communications which entered into force on 25 July 2003, visitors to a website must be informed about the use of so-called cookies, and given the opportunity to prevent their use. A cookie is a small text file (usually less than 1 KB) that is saved on your computer and stores information. Cookies are used, among other things, to improve the website for the user.

Our website uses the friendly variant of cookies, so-called “session cookies”. When you are inside and browsing a web page, session cookies are sent between your computer and our server to be able to exchange information. This may apply, for example, to what you have put in your shopping cart, or if you are logged in to My pages.

We do not save any personal information via session cookies. Session cookies are not permanently stored on your computer, but disappear when you close your browser.

There are security settings in most browsers that can disable session cookies. In most cases, it is also good to delete any session cookies that have already been saved. If you choose not to accept session cookies on our website, the website will not function satisfactorily. When you visit this website, your IP address is automatically registered to measure the frequency of visits.

Feel free to contact us at if you have other questions about information management in the online store.